Results for 'David I. Waddington Bruce Maxwell'

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  1.  57
    Interculturalism, multiculturalism, and the state funding and regulation of conservative religious schools.Bruce Maxwell, David I. Waddington, Kevin McDonough, Andrée-Anne Cormier & Marina Schwimmer - 2012 - Educational Theory 62 (4):427-447.
    In this essay, Bruce Maxwell, David Waddington, Kevin McDonough, Andrée-Anne Cormier, and Marina Schwimmer compare two competing approaches to social integration policy, Multiculturalism and Interculturalism, from the perspective of the issue of the state funding and regulation of conservative religious schools. After identifying the key differences between Interculturalism and Multiculturalism, as well as their many similarities, the authors present an explanatory analysis of this intractable policy challenge. Conservative religious schooling, they argue, tests a conceptual tension inherent (...)
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    Does State Secularism Require Teachers to Abstain from Wearing Religious Symbols at School?Bruce Maxwell, Kevin McDonough & David I. Waddington - 2014 - Philosophy of Education 70:422-430.
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  3. L’État doit-il mettre fin au financement des écoles ethnoreligieuses ?Marina Schwimmer, Andrée-Anne Cormier, Bruce Maxwell, David Waddington & Kevin McDonough - 2012 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 7 (1):24-44.
    Cet article considère la question de la légitimité du financement public des écoles dites ethnoreligieuses à la lumière du modèle interculturaliste de citoyenneté. La première section dresse un bref portrait historique du débat autour de cette question tel qu’il s’est présenté au Québec. Ensuite, elle explique en quoi cette problématique révèle une tension inhérente aux principes clés de l’interculturalisme. La seconde partie propose une critique de l’approche standard pour aborder l’enjeu du financement public des écoles ethnoreligieuses et défend une approche (...)
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  4. Locating the wrongness in ultra-violent video games.David I. Waddington - 2007 - Ethics and Information Technology 9 (2):121-128.
    The extremely high level of simulated violence in certain recent video games has made some people uneasy. There is a concern that something is wrong with these violent games, but, since the violence is virtual rather than real, it is difficult to specify the nature of the wrongness. Since there is no proven causal connection between video-game violence and real violence, philosophical analysis can be particularly helpful in locating potential sources of wrongness in ultra-violent video games. To this end, this (...)
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    Beyond Familiar Territory: Developing the Deweyan Legacy.David I. Waddington - 2010 - Philosophy of Education 66:320-322.
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    What Technology Reveals: Efficiency Mindsets and Dromocratic Culture.David I. Waddington - 2013 - Philosophy of Education 69:324-327.
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    Beyond the Search for Truth: Dewey's Humble and Humanistic Vision of Science Education.David I. Waddington & Noah Weeth Feinstein - 2016 - Educational Theory 66 (1-2):111-126.
    In this essay, David Waddington and Noah Weeth Feinstein explore how Dewey's conception of science can help us rethink the way science is done in schools. The authors begin by contrasting a view of science that is implicitly accepted by many scientists and science educators — science as a search for truth — with Dewey's instrumentalist, technological, and nonrealist conception of science. After demonstrating that the search-for-truth conception is closely linked to some ongoing difficulties with science curricula that (...)
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  8.  46
    Dewey and Video Games: From Education through Occupations to Education through Simulations.David I. Waddington - 2015 - Educational Theory 65 (1):1-20.
    Critics like Leonard Waks argue that video games are, at best, a dubious substitute for the rich classroom experiences that John Dewey wished to create and that, at worst, they are profoundly miseducative. Using the example of Fate of the World, a climate change simulation game, David Waddington addresses these concerns through a careful demonstration of how video games can recapture some of the lost potential of Dewey's original program of education through occupations. Not only do simulation games (...)
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  9.  49
    The Civic Potential of Video Games by Joseph Kahne, Ellen Middaugh and Chris Evans.David I. Waddington - 2010 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 44 (4):599-602.
  10. A field guide to Heidegger: Understanding 'the question concerning technology'.David I. Waddington - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (4):567–583.
    This essay serves as a guide for scholars, especially those in education, who want to gain a better understanding of Heidegger's essay, ‘The Question Concerning Technology’. The paper has three sections: an interpretive summary, a critical commentary, and some remarks on Heidegger scholarship in education. Since Heidegger's writing style is rather opaque, the interpretive summary serves as a map with which to navigate the essay. The critical commentary offers a careful analysis of some of the central concepts in the essay. (...)
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  11.  17
    An Optimistic Take on Pessimistic Pedagogy.David I. Waddington - 2011 - Philosophy of Education 67:268-270.
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    Recovering a Forgotten Pioneer of Science Studies: C. E. Ayres' Deweyan Critique of Science and Technology.David I. Waddington - 2013 - Education and Culture 29 (2):159-179.
    In 1926, C. E. Ayres, a young assistant editor of The New Republic, had completed a draft of his first book, Science: The False Messiah. His publishers, Bobbs-Merrill, were enthusiastic but also somewhat worried—the book, which was a blistering critique of the public understanding of science, was engagingly written and eminently readable, but it was also provocative. Bobbs-Merrill were concerned that Ayres’ “very saucy” approach might damage sales, especially given that he was a complete unknown as far as the general (...)
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  13.  43
    Troublesome Sentiments: The Origins of Dewey’s Antipathy to Children’s Imaginative Activities.David I. Waddington - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 29 (4):351-364.
    One of the interesting aspects of Dewey’s early educational thought is his apparent hostility toward children’s imaginative pursuits, yet the question of why this antipathy exists remains unanswered. As will become clear, Dewey’s hostility towards imaginative activities stemmed from a broad variety of concerns. In some of his earliest work, Dewey adopted a set of anti-Romantic criticisms and used these concerns to attack what one might call “runaway” imaginative and emotional tendencies. Then, in his early educational writings, these earlier concerns (...)
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  14.  69
    Uncovering Hegelian connections: A new look at Dewey's early educational ideas.David I. Waddington - 2010 - Education and Culture 26 (1):pp. 67-81.
    Scholars agree that Hegel had an important influence on John Dewey's early work.1 Unfortunately, the precise nature of this influence is not always easy to discern; in his early works, Dewey mentions Hegel only rarely, and seldom refers to him. However, in his letters and in his later works, Dewey concedes that Hegel had a strong influence on his philosophy. For example, in a 1930 essay, "From Absolutism to Experimentalism," Dewey acknowledges the influence of Hegel, noting that "acquaintance with Hegel (...)
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  15.  51
    Scientific self‐defense: Transforming Dewey's idea of technological transparency.David I. Waddington - 2010 - Educational Theory 60 (5):621-638.
    In this essay, David Waddington provides a basic outline of John Dewey's often‐overlooked views on technology education and explores how these ideas could be updated productively for use in contemporary contexts. Some of the shortcomings of Dewey's ideas are also examined—his faith in the scientific method may have been excessive, and some critics have charged that his aspirations for a technology‐infused citizenship education were overly ambitious. However, Waddington contends in this analysis that by combining Dewey's ideas with (...)
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  16.  39
    Review of Trevor Norris, Consuming Schools: Commercialism and the End of Politics: University of Toronto Press, 2011. [REVIEW]David I. Waddington - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (1):85-92.
  17.  20
    Introduction to Section II: Dewey's Living Ideas.Terri S. Wilson & David I. Waddington - 2016 - Educational Theory 66 (1-2):89-94.
  18.  96
    Integral Field Spectroscopy of the Low-mass Companion HD 984 B with the Gemini Planet Imager.Mara Johnson-Groh, Christian Marois, Robert J. De Rosa, Eric L. Nielsen, Julien Rameau, Sarah Blunt, Jeffrey Vargas, S. Mark Ammons, Vanessa P. Bailey, Travis S. Barman, Joanna Bulger, Jeffrey K. Chilcote, Tara Cotten, René Doyon, Gaspard Duchêne, Michael P. Fitzgerald, Kate B. Follette, Stephen Goodsell, James R. Graham, Alexandra Z. Greenbaum, Pascale Hibon, Li-Wei Hung, Patrick Ingraham, Paul Kalas, Quinn M. Konopacky, James E. Larkin, Bruce Macintosh, Jérôme Maire, Franck Marchis, Mark S. Marley, Stanimir Metchev, Maxwell A. Millar-Blanchaer, Rebecca Oppenheimer, David W. Palmer, Jenny Patience, Marshall Perrin, Lisa A. Poyneer, Laurent Pueyo, Abhijith Rajan, Fredrik T. Rantakyrö, Dmitry Savransky, Adam C. Schneider, Anand Sivaramakrishnan, Inseok Song, Remi Soummer, Sandrine Thomas, David Vega, J. Kent Wallace, Jason J. Wang, Kimberly Ward-Duong, Sloane J. Wiktorowicz & Schuyler G. Wolff - 2017 - Astronomical Journal 153 (4):190.
    © 2017. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We present new observations of the low-mass companion to HD 984 taken with the Gemini Planet Imager as a part of the GPI Exoplanet Survey campaign. Images of HD 984 B were obtained in the J and H bands. Combined with archival epochs from 2012 and 2014, we fit the first orbit to the companion to find an 18 au orbit with a 68% confidence interval between 14 and 28 au, an eccentricity (...)
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  19. Actual causation: a stone soup essay.Clark Glymour David Danks, Bruce Glymour Frederick Eberhardt, Joseph Ramsey Richard Scheines, Peter Spirtes Choh Man Teng & Zhang Jiji - 2010 - Synthese 175 (2):169--192.
    We argue that current discussions of criteria for actual causation are ill-posed in several respects. (1) The methodology of current discussions is by induction from intuitions about an infinitesimal fraction of the possible examples and counterexamples; (2) cases with larger numbers of causes generate novel puzzles; (3) “neuron” and causal Bayes net diagrams are, as deployed in discussions of actual causation, almost always ambiguous; (4) actual causation is (intuitively) relative to an initial system state since state changes are relevant, but (...)
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  20. A Multi-scale View of the Emergent Complexity of Life: A Free-energy Proposal.Casper Hesp, Maxwell Ramstead, Axel Constant, Paul Badcock, Michael David Kirchhoff & Karl Friston - forthcoming - In Michael Price & John Campbell (eds.), Evolution, Development, and Complexity: Multiscale Models in Complex Adaptive Systems.
    We review some of the main implications of the free-energy principle (FEP) for the study of the self-organization of living systems – and how the FEP can help us to understand (and model) biotic self-organization across the many temporal and spatial scales over which life exists. In order to maintain its integrity as a bounded system, any biological system - from single cells to complex organisms and societies - has to limit the disorder or dispersion (i.e., the long-run entropy) of (...)
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  21.  68
    Off-shell electromagnetism in manifestly covariant relativistic quantum mechanics.David Saad, L. P. Horwitz & R. I. Arshansky - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (10):1125-1149.
    Gauge invariance of a manifestly covariant relativistic quantum theory with evolution according to an invariant time τ implies the existence of five gauge compensation fields, which we shall call pre-Maxwell fields. A Lagrangian which generates the equations of motion for the matter field (coinciding with the Schrödinger type quantum evolution equation) as well as equations, on a five-dimensional manifold, for the gauge fields, is written. It is shown that τ integration of the equations for the pre-Maxwell fields results (...)
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  22.  14
    Questions And Engagements on Aribiah David Attoe’s, Groundwork for a New Kind of African Metaphysics: The Idea of Predeterministic Historicity.Bruce Janz - 2022 - Arụmarụka 2 (2):22-33.
    Aribiah David Attoe’s central question in this book is the idea of what he calls in his subtitle “predeterministic historicity,” which I want to focus on here. There is a lot else we could discuss, but it seems like a good idea to focus on the book’s central project.
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  23. Aim-oriented empiricism: David Miller's critique.Nicholas Maxwell - 2006 - Philsci Archive.
    For three decades I have expounded and defended aim-oriented empiricism, a view of science which, l claim, solves a number of problems in the philosophy of science and has important implications for science itself and, when generalized, for the whole of academic inquiry, and for our capacity to solve our current global problems. Despite these claims, the view has received scant attention from philosophers of science. Recently, however, David Miller has criticized the view. Miller’s criticisms are, however, not valid.
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    Underground allies: How and why do mycelial networks help plants defend themselves?Zdenka Babikova, David Johnson, Toby Bruce, John Pickett & Lucy Gilbert - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (1):21-26.
    Most land plants associate with mycorrhizal fungi that can connect roots of neighboring plants in common mycelial networks (CMNs). Recent evidence shows that CMNs transfer warning signals of pathogen and aphid attack between plants. However, we do not know how defence‐related signaling via CMNs operates or how ubiquitous it is. Nor do we know what the ecological relevance and fitness consequences are, particularly from the perspective of the mycorrhizal fungus. Here, we focus on the potential fitness benefits for mycorrhizal fungi (...)
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Kenneth C. Schmidt, Philip G. Altbach, Bernard J. Kohlbrenner, Tom Zepper, Georgia I. Gudykunst, Donald A. Dellow, James Steve Counselis, James J. VanPatten, L. David Weller, C. H. Edson, W. Bruce Leslie, Maxine S. Seller, Charles R. Schindler, Cheryl G. Kasson, Fred D. Kierstead & Richard Quantz - 1981 - Educational Studies 12 (2):193-213.
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  26. Understanding Scientific Progress: Aim-Oriented Empiricism.Nicholas Maxwell - 2017 - St. Paul, USA: Paragon House.
    "Understanding Scientific Progress constitutes a potentially enormous and revolutionary advancement in philosophy of science. It deserves to be read and studied by everyone with any interest in or connection with physics or the theory of science. Maxwell cites the work of Hume, Kant, J.S. Mill, Ludwig Bolzmann, Pierre Duhem, Einstein, Henri Poincaré, C.S. Peirce, Whitehead, Russell, Carnap, A.J. Ayer, Karl Popper, Thomas Kuhn, Imre Lakatos, Paul Feyerabend, Nelson Goodman, Bas van Fraassen, and numerous others. He lauds Popper for advancing (...)
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    P. M. HARMAN , The Scientific Letters and Papers of James Clerk Maxwell. Volume I: 1846–1862. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Pp. xxviii+748. ISBN 0-521-25625-9. $195.00 . Volume II: 1862–1873. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Pp. xxx+999. ISBN 0-521-25626-7. $285.00 . Volume III: 1873–1879. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xxvii+932. ISBN 0-521-25627-5. £210.00, $315.00. [REVIEW]Bruce Hunt - 2005 - British Journal for the History of Science 38 (4):485-487.
  28. Replies and Reflections.Nicholas Maxwell - 2009 - In Leemon McHenry (ed.), Science and the Pursuit of Wisdom: Studies in the Philosophy of Nicholas Maxwell. Frankfurt, Germany: Ontos Verlag. pp. 249-314.
    I reply to critical discussion of my work by Copthorne Macdonald, Steve Fuller, John Stewart, Joseph Agassi, Margaret Boden, Donald Gillies, Mathew Iredale, David Hodgson, Karl Rogers, and Leemon McHenry.
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  29. (1 other version)Review: David S. Brown. Richard Hofstadter: An Intellectual Biography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006. [REVIEW]Bruce Kuklick - 2006 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 42 (4):574-577.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Richard Hofstadter: An Intellectual BiographyBruce KuklickDavid S. Brown, Richard Hofstadter: An Intellectual BiographyChicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006. xxiv+291 pp. Notes, Bibliographic Essay, Sources, Students of Richard Hofstadter, Index. $27.50.In the mid-twentieth century Richard Hofstadter was one the finest historians of the United States. Uncommitted to work in primary sources, he was perhaps not at the level of Perry Miller, Vann Woodward, and Edmund Morgan. But Hofstadter had (...)
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    Miracles and principles of relative likelihood.Bruce Langtry - 1985 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 18 (3):123 - 131.
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    On Having Three Names.Bruce B. Suttle - 2021 - Philosophy and Literature 45 (2):496-498.
    This morning, as I ate breakfast, I started David Foster Wallace's short story "Good People."1 I began. … Wait a minute! Damn it! Why not Wallace's, or David Wallace's short story? I've never seen nor heard his name other than as a trio; the same is so with others, such as Louisa May Alcott, William Carlos Williams, Joyce Carol Oates, Robert Louis Stevenson, Katherine Anne Porter, et al. One finds it even in operas—for example, in Giacomo Puccini's Turandot (...)
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    Collective obituary for James D. Marshall (1937–2021).Michael Peters, Colin Lankshear, Lynda Stone, Paul Smeyers, Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Roger Dale, Graham Hingangaroa Smith, Nesta Devine, Robert Shaw, Bruce Haynes, Denis Philips, Kevin Harris, Marc Depaepe, David Aspin, Richard Smith, Hugh Lauder, Mark Olssen, Nicholas C. Burbules, Peter Roberts, Susan L. Robertson, Ruth Irwin, Susanne Brighouse & Tina Besley - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (4):331-349.
    Michael A. PetersBeijing Normal UniversityMy deepest condolences to Pepe, Dom and Marcus and to Jim’s grandchildren. Tina and I spent a lot of time at the Marshall family home, often attending dinn...
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  33. Three philosophical problems about consciousness and their possible resolution.Nicholas Maxwell - 2011 - Open Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):1.
    Three big philosophical problems about consciousness are: Why does it exist? How do we explain and understand it? How can we explain brain-consciousness correlations? If functionalism were true, all three problems would be solved. But it is false, and that means all three problems remain unsolved (in that there is no other obvious candidate for a solution). Here, it is argued that the first problem cannot have a solution; this is inherent in the nature of explanation. The second problem is (...)
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  34.  52
    Basinger on Reichenbach and the Best Possible World.Bruce Reichenbach - 1980 - International Philosophical Quarterly 20 (3):343-345.
    I reply to David Basinger who, in an article printed in the same issue, develops objections to my original argument (IPQ XIX, 203-212) that it makes no sense to inquire whether God could create the best possible world since the concept of a best possible world is a meaningless notion. I argue that if the number of possible worlds is infinite, there cannot be an upper limit to this order, and without an upper limit, there can be no best (...)
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  35. Attitudes de dicto and de se.David Lewis - 1979 - Philosophical Review 88 (4):513-543.
    I hear the patter of little feet around the house, I expect Bruce. What I expect is a cat, a particular cat. If I heard such a patter in another house, I might expect a cat but no particular cat. What I expect then seems to be a Meinongian incomplete cat. I expect winter, expect stormy weather, expect to shovel snow, expect fatigue---a season, a phenomenon, an activity, a state. I expect that someday mankind will inhabit at least five (...)
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  36. Empirical Consequences of Symmetries.David Wallace & Hilary Greaves - 2014 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 65 (1):59-89.
    It is widely recognized that ‘global’ symmetries, such as the boost invariance of classical mechanics and special relativity, can give rise to direct empirical counterparts such as the Galileo-ship phenomenon. However, conventional wisdom holds that ‘local’ symmetries, such as the diffeomorphism invariance of general relativity and the gauge invariance of classical electromagnetism, have no such direct empirical counterparts. We argue against this conventional wisdom. We develop a framework for analysing the relationship between Galileo-ship empirical phenomena on the one hand, and (...)
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  37. Saint Foucault: towards a gay hagiography.David M. Halperin - 1995 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    "My work has had nothing to do with gay liberation," Michel Foucault reportedly told an admirer in 1975. And indeed there is scarcely more than a passing mention of homosexuality in Foucault's scholarly writings. So why has Foucault, who died of AIDS in 1984, become a powerful source of both personal and political inspiration to an entire generation of gay activists? And why have his political philosophy and his personal life recently come under such withering, normalizing scrutiny by commentators as (...)
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  38. Wiggins' defence of essentialism.Bruce Langtry - 1975 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 13 (4):459-469.
    This paper is a critique of David Wiggins's treatment of essentialism in his book Identity and Spatio-Temporal Continuity (Blackwell 1967). I argue in detail that he has not provided an adequate account either of the concept of a sortal term or of the concept of a substance-concept, even though both concepts play important roles in his case for essentialism. I also discuss Wiggins's views on how substance-concepts are related to judgments of identity through time.
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    The Time Museum: Catalogue of the Collection. Bruce ChandlerThe Time Museum: Catalogue of the Collection. Volume I: Time Measuring Instruments. Part 1: Astrolabes and Related Instruments.The Time Museum: Catalogue of the Collection. Volume I: Time Measuring Instruments. Part 3: Water-Clocks, Sand-Glasses, and Fire-Clocks. A. J. Turner. [REVIEW]David Landes - 1988 - Isis 79 (1):141-143.
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    “God … has sent me to Germany”: Salomon Maimon, Friedrich Jacobi, and the Spinoza Quarrel.Bruce Rosenstock - 2014 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 52 (3):287-315.
    Salomon Maimon's Versuch über die Transzendentalphilosophie [Essay in Transcendental Philosophy] (1790) challenges and reworks Kant's arguments in the Kritik der reinen Vernunft [Critique of Pure Reason] (1785, 2nd ed. 1787) about the foundations of natural science and of Newtonian physics in particular. Kant himself was impressed both with Maimon's grasp of his critical project and also with the force of his challenge to it. While Maimon's significance on the later development of German Idealism is now widely acknowledged, another aspect of (...)
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  41. Thermodynamics as Control Theory.David Wallace - unknown
    I explore the reduction of thermodynamics to statistical mechanics by treating the former as a control theory: a theory of which transitions between states can be induced on a system by means of operations from a fixed list. I recover the results of standard thermodynamics in this framework on the assumption that the available operations do not include measurements which affect subsequent choices of operations. I then relax this assumption and use the framework to consider the vexed questions of (...)'s demon and Landauer's principle. Throughout I assume rather than prove the basic irreversibility features of statistical mechanics, taking care to distinguish them from the conceptually distinct assumptions of thermodynamics proper. (shrink)
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    Newton's Easy Quadratures "Omitted for the Sake of Brevity".J. Bruce Brackenridge - 2003 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 57 (4):313-336.
    In the 1687 Principia, Newton gave a solution to the direct problem (given the orbit and center of force, find the central force) for a conic-section with a focal center of force (answer: a reciprocal square force) and for a spiral orbit with a polar center of force (answer: a reciprocal cube force). He did not, however, give solutions for the two corresponding inverse problems (given the force and center of force, find the orbit). He gave a cryptic solution to (...)
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    Reply to Scudder.David Buxton - 1985 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1985 (65):171-173.
    Many of the younger generation of intellectuals, highly critical of the increasing penetration of the market into every sphere of daily life, nevertheless bristle at the merest suggestion that Talking Heads, Bruce Springsteen or whoever else that manifests their irrefutably good taste be subject to the same critical attention. Rock music, it seems, in the United States at least, is one of those social phenomena most impermeable to critical discussion. Decidedly, my article (Telos 57) touched a raw nerve in (...)
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    Bedeviled: A Shadow History of Demons in Science.Oren Harman - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):447-449.
    Poreskoro, with three cat and four dog heads and a snake with a forked tongue as his tail, is responsible for epidemics of contagious diseases in Romany folklore. The Pishachas of Vedic mythology lurk in charnel houses and graveyards, waiting for humans to infect with madness. In Christian demonology, Pythius is known as the ruler of the eighth circle of the Inferno, bestowing heinous and unspeakable tortures on those who have committed fraud. Demons are the stuff of legends, and they (...)
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    Sense and sensitivity: how focus determines meaning.David I. Beaver - 2008 - Malden, MA: Blackwell. Edited by Brady Z. Clark.
    Sense and Sensitivity explores the semantics and pragmatics of focus in natural language discourse, advancing a new account of focus sensitivity which posits a three-way distinction between different effects of focus. Makes a valuable contribution to the ongoing research in the field of focus sensitivity Discusses the features of QFC, an original theory of focus implying a new typology of focus-sensitive expressions Presents novel cross-linguistic data on focus and focus sensitivity Concludes with a case study of exclusives (like “only”), arguing (...)
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  46. Darwinism Evolving. System Dynamics and the Genealogy of Natural Selection.David J. Depew, Bruce H. Weber & Ernst Mayr - 1996 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 18 (1):135.
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    Developmental biology, natural selection, and the conceptual boundaries of the modern evolutionary synthesis.David J. Depew & Bruce H. Weber - 2017 - Zygon 52 (2):468-490.
    Using the evolution of the stickleback family of subarctic fish as a touchstone, we explore the effect of new discoveries about regulatory genetics, developmental plasticity, and epigenetic inheritance on the conceptual foundations of the Modern Evolutionary Synthesis. Identifying the creativity of natural selection as the hallmark of the Modern Synthesis, we show that since its inception its adherents have pursued a variety of research projects that at first seemed to conflict with its principles, but were accommodated. We situate challenges coming (...)
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    Assessing Ethical Reasoning among Junior British Army Officers Using the Army Intermediate Concept Measure (AICM).David I. Walker, Stephen J. Thoma & James Arthur - 2021 - Journal of Military Ethics 20 (1):2-20.
    Army Officers face increased moral pressure in modern warfare, where character judgement and ethical judgement are vital. This article reports the results of a study of 242 junior British Army officers using the Army Intermediate Concept Measure, comprising a series of professionally oriented moral dilemmas developed for the UK context. Results are suggestive of appropriate application of Army values to the dilemmas and of ethical reasoning aligning with Army excellence. The sample does slightly less well, however, for justification than for (...)
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    An economic perspective on addiction and matching.David I. Laibson - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):583-584.
    Economic models of addiction are choice-based. These models push the choice paradigm too far by modeling addiction as rational, normative behavior. Heyman's target article provides a sensible alternative to this economic approach by emphasizing that addiction is characterized by ambivalence and a perceived loss of self control. However, matching may not be a satisfactory platform on which to build this alternative model. Matching experiments do not provide evidence of ambivalence or perceived loss of self control.
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    Your body knows the answer: using your felt sense to solve problems, effect change, and liberate creativity.David I. Rome - 2014 - Boston: Shambhala.
    A manual for Mindful Focusing—a new integration of Western psychology and Buddhist mindfulness techniques for accessing your inherent wisdom and solving life’s problems Ever come up against one of those moments when life requires a response—and you feel clueless? We all have. But there’s good news: you have all the wisdom you need to respond to any situation, even the “impossible” ones. It’s a matter of tuning in to your felt sense: that subtle physical sensation that lives somewhere between your (...)
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